Three Dental Emergencies That Need To Be Treated Immediately

Dental emergencies can happen at any time during the day or night. Such emergencies should be treated immediately to save the tooth or teeth involved in it. You should consult a qualified and experienced dentist to treat all types of dental emergencies. This article provides a comprehensive overview of three dental emergencies that need to be treated immediately.

A knocked out tooth or teeth can result from an accident or similar incident. This is one of the most common dental emergencies in Milwaukee that need to be treated immediately. A knocked out permanent tooth can be saved if you act immediately. Follow these steps to save a knocked out permanent tooth or teeth. Make sure you hold the tooth by the top part of it known as the crown. Never touch the bottom part or root of the tooth. Rinse the tooth thoroughly in water. Try to reposition the tooth in the socket. Hold it in place with a clean piece of gauze. If you are unable to replace it, put it in a glass of milk. Go to the nearest dentist’s office immediately. It is important to act fast to save the tooth. If you can go to the dentist within an hour of the accident, you have a good chance of saving the tooth.

Extensive cracks or chips in a tooth require immediate dental attention. It is another dental emergency. Such injuries usually involve the enamel, dentin and even the pulp of your tooth. The pain caused by such a crack may lead to further damage if you do not seek emergency dental attention.

Tissue injuries to the lips, tongue and other soft tissues in the mouth constitute a dental emergency most of the time. If you experience a trauma to the tissues in your mouth, you need to consult the closest dentist’s office for emergency treatment.

The aforementioned article highlights three dental emergencies that need to be treated immediately.

Dental Emergencies Due To Periodontal Disease

Gum disease is a condition of swelling, soreness and infection of the tissues supporting the teeth. A dentist will screen your gums during a routine dental examination. Gum diseases are divided into two categories such as gingivitis and periodontal disease. Inflammation of the gums is referred to as gingivitis. The gums around your teeth will become red and swollen during this condition. The gums will bleed while cleaning or brushing your teeth.

Untreated gingivitis can result in periodontal disease.

There are a number of varieties of periodontal disease. The tissue supporting your teeth is affected during this condition. As the disease worsens, the bone that is anchoring the teeth in the jaw is lost. If the disease is not treated on time, the teeth may become loose and eventually fall out. This is definitely a dental emergency, which should be treated immediately. Consult a professional dental practitioner in your area to prevent losing all your teeth due to periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is usually caused by the buildup of plaque. Plaque is a kind of bacteria that is formed on the surface of your teeth and gums on a daily basis. Plaque should be cleaned effectively on a daily basis to prevent gum disease that can lead to periodontal disease eventually. Brush and floss your teeth after every meal. Untreated gum disease will progress painlessly, and you will not notice the damage until it is too late. Do not let it progress to a dental emergency situation. Keep your teeth and gums clean on a daily basis.

Regular dental visits are essential to prevent periodontal disease. Your dentist will screen your teeth and gums during such visits. If there is plaque on your teeth and gums, the dentist will remove it using effective treatment methods. Your dentist is the best person to examine the condition of your teeth and gums. Preventive maintenance is better than facing dental emergencies later on due to periodontal disease.

Good oral hygiene is mandatory to prevent gum disease that will eventually lead to periodontal disease. Brushing and flossing on a regular basis using a toothpaste with fluoride are the best ways to prevent gum diseases. Brushing and flossing alone will not remove every trace of plaque from your teeth and gums. Regular dental visits are also necessary to prevent serious gum diseases such as periodontal disease. Hence, it is best to avoid dental emergencies due to periodontal disease by visiting your dentist on a regular basis.

Facial Swelling and Dental Emergencies

facial swelling from a dental abscess gum infectionThere are several things which can constitute a medical emergency, including pain, oozing sores and swelling. In some instances, all of these may occur; in others only one of these symptoms may be present. If a tooth or the gum around it is not in significant pain, some of our patients make the mistake of thinking that it is fine. However, if the area is swollen, you need to contact our office immediately.

Swelling is a sign of something being seriously wrong. Our patients need and deserve to have a correct diagnosis as soon as possible. In some instances, it may even save the life of a person. This is because swelling often accompanies some form of infection.

While infections anywhere in the body are serious and need to be addressed by a medical professional quickly, when it occurs in the head, the situation becomes more critical. This is because if the infection gets into the blood it can rapidly reach the brain. Patients can suffer a great deal of harm to this vital organ if this occurs, including but not limited to an unexpected and rapid decline leading to loss of life.

Besides a serious infection that can spread quickly, there are other types of infection and irritation that can cause swelling of the face. Viral infections like herpes usually have accompanying pain but not always. The transmittable disease syphilis can cause red swelling that is not painful. Likewise, patients may have some other form of infection, including those caused by fungi and bacteria.

At times, we see patients who have swelling after experiencing some type of injury. Whether it is related to sports or just a simple fall at home, this situation should be checked out by one of our staff. It is not uncommon for people to think the swelling and pain will subside when there is actually something more serious going on. For instance, there may be a chip of tooth embedded in the gum. When patients get to us quickly, we have more options to reduce the pain/swelling and possibly save a broken tooth.

These are just some of the types of emergencies that we treat when patients have facial swelling. Having a proper diagnosis as quickly as possible is imperative to successful treatment. If you are experiencing swelling, with or without pain, call our office today so we can help you.

Have Your Loose Dentures Fixed At Our Dental Office

A woman who got here dentures fixedIf you have dentures, you know how uncomfortable they can be if they do not fit properly. Loose dentures are difficult to wear, but many patients do not come in to have them properly adjusted. Do not just try to tough it out and make do with a set of ill-fitting dentures. Call our Milwaukee dental office right away to set up an appointment.

Dentures that do not fit properly can cause many problems. In addition to the discomfort that they cause, they can make it difficult to chew properly. They can also irritate your gums, causing swelling, bleeding, or even infection.

In addition, a set of dentures that are loose are more likely to crack or break. In this case, the most likely outcome is that we will have to provide you with a new set. While some cracked dentures can be repaired, they will never be as strong and sturdy as they used to be. The best approach is often to discard them and get a new set.

Of course, this can be an expensive proposition, so do not cost yourself more money than you need to spend. At the first sign of a problem with your dentures, just give our dental office a call. Our experienced staff will be happy to answer any questions that you have so that you can enjoy a satisfactory outcome.

Do not try to repair your dentures at home or make them fit better on your own. This is a surefire recipe for disaster. Dentures need to be adjusted by a trained dental professional who has the skills and the training necessary. Our staff has many years of experience assisting patients with their dentures, so we can easily resolve any problem that you may be having.

Our most important priority is to ensure your comfort and good health. If your dentures do not seem to be fitting properly, do not hesitate to speak up and tell us about your concerns. We want to know about any problems that you may be having so that we can fix them immediately. This way, you can have teeth that look and feel great.

Call us right away to schedule an appointment to get your dentures repaired if you have noticed that they seem to be loose. We will make room for your immediately in our schedule so that you can feel comfortable as soon as possible.

Avoid Dental Emergencies With Great Oral Hygiene

There are little things worse than a throbbing toothache. The discomfort and pain can be difficult to control, and will take over every aspect of your daily life until it is fixed. While only a dentist can diagnose where that pain is coming from, often the cause is a tooth that needs a filling, or more intricate work like a root canal or crown fitting.

Once you are feeling strong pain from your tooth, you are out of time for getting it fixed. This is a situation that needs to be addressed NOW, but, if you had paid more attention to your daily oral hygiene could you have prevented this type of dental emergency from occurring? The answer is a resounding “yes”!

Every time you open your mouth to eat, drink, or smoke, you are exposing your teeth to potential damage. The sugars in your foods, the acids in your wine, and the chemicals in your cigarettes all have the power to weaken your teeth. If you do not give your teeth the daily maintenance they need to fight back against the intruders that are entering your mouth, how do you expect them to remain strong each day? Oral hygiene does not take long to do, but will make a difference in the long term for the number of dentist visits you have to make each year.

Take action with three simple steps morning and night, and your teeth can become a strong fortress against tooth decay and damage.

Step one is to brush your teeth
The small abrasive particles within your toothpaste will scrub away any nasties that are trying to cling onto your teeth.

Step two is to floss between each tooth
Keep the floss taut as you scrape it over the sides of each tooth, and pull out any food scraps that are hiding in a hope they will get a chance to eat away at your tooth enamel.

Step three is to use mouthwash
Take a big swig of your mouthwash so that you can blast out any remaining bacteria that thinks they have got a chance of making your mouth their home.

Come and see your local Milwaukee dentist every year (or twice a year) for a cleaning so that any potential issues can be addressed quickly. If you follow these steps, there will be no need for you to be calling our dental office in pain because of a dental emergency. Instead you can keep your focus on the more enjoyable parts of your life.

Reasons You Should Have A Root Canal Performed

Endodontist doing a root canal procedureA root canal is one of those procedures that people are generally afraid of. The thought of having someone go in and extract part of your tooth is more than many people can bear. With that being said, there are several solid reasons to get a root canal, including those mentioned here.

It Will Ease Your Pain

The most common fear of a root canal involves the false idea that it is very painful. This is not the case at all. In fact, many people are given roots canals in order to reduce any pain they may be feeling. While the procedure is a bit lengthy and complicated, it is no more painful than having someone fill a cavity.

It Controls The Spread Of Infection

If you have an infection at the root of your tooth, leaving it there can cause it to spread to the jaw and gums. Once this happens, there is a possibility that a very painful abscess may form. In extreme cases, the infection can take over your entire system. Once this happens you are at higher risk for strokes and heart disease.

It Can Save Your Tooth

When you are told that you need a root canal, you should not hesitate to get it done since waiting around means you may end up losing the entire tooth. Most people think that a root canal involves taking out the entire tooth, but this isn’t the case. The idea behind it is to extract all of the dead pulp in order to promote the health of the rest of the tooth.

It Cannot Heal Itself

Some people believe that there is no longer a problem when they do not feel any pain. This is not the case at all. This only means that the problem has crawled back beneath the surface and it will create issues again in the future. There isn’t any reason to put yourself through that if you can be proactive and take care of this as soon as possible.

The thought of having a root canal may seem very frightening to you, but is something that is rather necessary. If you are told that you need to schedule this procedure, it is important that you do so right away. As you were just told, having a root canal has great benefits, so there should be no hesitation.

Three Easy Steps to Proper Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene can really help you to improve your dental health, preventing cavities, reducing your risk of gum disease and generally ensuring that your next trip to the dentist is a more pleasant one. Here are three tips to help you improve your oral hygiene.

1. Replace your toothbrush often

Many people forget to replace their toothbrush on a regular basis. Your toothbrush should be firm enough to clean your teeth well. If the bristles are frayed, splayed or damaged then the toothbrush is not doing its job properly. Old and worn tooth bruses are also more likely to harbor bacteria, which means that they could be increasing your risk of infections. Rinse your toothbrush when you are finished with using it, and store it properly.

2. Take your time when brushing

Try to take your time when you are brushing your teeth. Make sure that you brush all of your teeth, and brush the top, front, and back of each tooth. After you have thoroughly brushed your teeth, take a moment to floss and use a good mouth-rinse. Flossing is particularly important because it cleans the areas of your mouth that your toothbrush cannot reach. Many people omit flossing and rush the process of brushing their teeth and this puts them at risk of tooth decay. They are then confused when they have dental problems, because they believe that they have been taking good care of their teeth.

3. Snack before brushing your teeth

There is nothing wrong with eating sweets, cakes or biscuits from time to time. In fact, if you deprive yourself of those things then you are more likely to end up binge-eating them later on, giving up on your healthy eating habits. Instead of depriving yourself, try to limit when you snack. If you have a bag of candy, eat a portion in one sitting then put it away – this will do less harm to your teeth than snacking constantly on the candy throughout the day. If you are going to eat a cake, brush your teeth afterwards. This will limit the impact of taking in all that sugar.

These simple changes to your dental care regimen will do a lot to protect you from needing the services of an urgent care dentist, and will help to ensure that next time you go to the dentists you are less likely to need a filling or other procedure.

Why Some Teeth Are Easier To Extract Than Others

dentistIf you are preparing to have your first tooth extracted you have probably spoken with friends about their experiences. If these accounts do not match up to what your dentist has told you, there is no reason to worry. The reason is that not all teeth are equal.

There are several different factors that can contribute to the difficulty of pulling teeth. This brief article was written to help you understand some common differences.

Position Of The Tooth Being Extracted

The position of the tooth is a huge determining factor. This factor goes beyond which tooth is being pulled. It also includes things such as how the tooth is aligned and positioned on the jawbone. Upright and leaning forward positions are usually a lot easier to remove than teeth that are tilted backward or sideways.

If you are dealing with wisdom teeth there are several other factors to consider. If the tooth has partially or completely penetrated the gum it will be easier than if it is still buried. It is obviously easier to extract a tooth that is impacted in soft tissue than one that is impacted into the jawbone.

Depth Of The Tooth To Be Pulled

Tooth depth is another important determining factor. Other than the root depth, there is also the fact that tooth depth determines how and where the dentist can grasp the tooth with his instrument. A tooth that is higher has more mass exposed and is easier to extract.

Shape of the Roots of the Tooth Being Removed

There are several situations related to the tooth’s roots that can differentiate the difficulty of extraction. This is especially the case with wisdom teeth. A typical root is separate from the other roots, however, many times roots can be entangled or fused with others. Entangled roots usually complicate extraction, whereas fused roots usually simplify it.

Another situation that complicates extraction is that at times roots may have an irregular shape. This can either make extraction more difficult, or simplify it. Extremely long roots usually make extraction more difficult.


In this article we have briefly mentioned some of the most common factors that differentiate the difficulty level of tooth extraction. These factors are taken into consideration when deciding the process of extraction, when your appointment is scheduled, and whether sedation is used or not.

As nerve wrecking as having a tooth pulled may seem, there is no need to worry. The important thing is that you have an experienced and capable dentist examine your situation. They will be able to make the right decisions and contribute to an better overall experience.

Wisdom Teeth Emergencies

Many people imagine a broken tooth or severe tooth pain when they think of a dental emergency. But wisdom teeth emergencies are not uncommon. Wisdom teeth can develop problems that require the urgent attention of a dental professional.

Wisdom teeth usually erupt in the late teens or early twenties. Spacing and crowding are common problems caused due to wisdom teeth. This situation can lead to impaction and infections in the long run. This is why many people prefer to get their wisdom teeth extracted by a qualified dentist. This article provides a overview of wisdom teeth emergencies.

People develop pericoronitis when a partially erupted wisdom tooth becomes inflamed. Inflammation occurs when food is lodged beneath the gum tissue. A professional dentist will remove the food debris and clean the affected area with antibiotics. Untreated pericoronitis can lead to severe infections later on. This is why you need to consult your dental professional immediately if you are suffering from such a condition.

Wisdom teeth usually overcrowd the other teeth. This can have a negative effect on the alignment of your teeth. You may not be able to clean your teeth effectively because of this over-crowded condition. Such a situation can lead to various infections and tooth decay issues in the long run. If you are suffering from wisdom teeth crowding, you should immediately consult your dental professional. Your dentist will evaluate the situation and advise whether extraction is required.

There are a small number of wisdom tooth extraction cases where blood clots are formed in the open tooth sockets. Unusual pain or any other issues relating to wisdom teeth extraction should be immediately brought to the attention of the dentist who performed the wisdom tooth extraction.

The vast majority of patients will not experience any problems after a wisdom tooth extraction. The gums will heal naturally if they follow the post-surgical care instructions provided by the dentist. If you continue to experience unusual symptoms or severe pain after a wisdom tooth extraction, the best thing is to consult your dentist immediately for redress.

A professional dental practitioner is equipped to handle any wisdom teeth emergency situation quite successfully. They have the necessary tools and qualified staff to attend to such emergencies. Even though wisdom teeth emergencies are quite rare, they happen at the most unexpected times. It is mandatory to consult a professional dental practitioner during such emergencies.

When To See A Dentist For Swollen Gums

A woman with tooth pain from swollen gumsIf you are suffering from painful, swollen gums you know that something is not right in your mouth, but whether or not you need to seek the attention of a dentist immediately can be confusing. One clear situation in which you definitely need emergency treatment is if the swollen area contains an abscess.

An abscess is a fluid filled pocket, much like a blister, except that it is in your mouth. This is particularly concerning, however, because it is likely to be infected. An infection of the mouth, if left untreated, can actually be life threatening due to the speed in which it can spread into the blood. You should seek treatment by a dentist as soon as you notice this type of condition.

Another time that you should seek the help of a dentist is if your swollen and painful gums are a result of a broken or chipped tooth. As you read above, the reason that your gums are swollen could be due to a serious infection. When your teeth suffer trauma it makes it easier for germs to invade areas that were once protected. A dentist can fix the problem as well as clean your mouth so that the infection is stopped before it becomes worse.

Other situations in which you should seek immediate emergency dental care are when there are additional symptoms to the swelling of gums. Extreme swelling or pain are a sign that something serious is occurring. You should also go in if you have a fever, or just do not feel well. It is a sign that there is infection. Finally, if the swelling is causing your tooth to feel loose, you definitely need to get to a dentist as soon as you can.

These are the most common signs that you need the help of a dentist in order for the condition to be remedied. Many times people hope that the problem will go away for it to just get worse. The sooner that you get the right care, the better off you will be in the long run. There really is no reason to suffer for longer than you have to, and in some cases you may be even putting your life at risk.

If you experience any of the symptoms above, or are merely concerned that something is not right, you should see a dentist immediately.