What To Do If You Have A Toothache On A Weekend

facialswellingYou should seek emergency dental care immediately if you suffer from a serious toothache. What should you do if you experience a toothache during a weekend?

You should actively look for an emergency dentist in your area. Use the Internet to find dentists within driving distance and call them to explain that you are in need of emergency dental care on the weekend. If you cannot find anyone in your area, ask someone to drive you to the nearest dentist you can find.

Take care of your toothache by applying cold compresses to the area. You can also take aspirin or ibuprofen to make the pain go away. You should not apply aspiring to your gums. This could cause severe burn to your gums and make the pain worse.

Do not take any other pain medications. Over the counter remedies such as aspirin or ibuprofen can help but any pain medication that requires a prescription might not be adapted to your needs. If you are in severe pain, the best thing to do is call your doctor to see if they can prescribe anything to help.

Your priority should be to find a dentist who can treat the toothache. Toothaches can be caused by infections, which can quickly spread to other teeth and even other parts of the body. Don’t hesitate to drive to the nearest emergency dentist you can find instead of waiting for your usual dentist to resume business on Monday.

Toothaches can be easily prevented by adopting a good dental hygiene. You should also schedule at least two dentist appointments a year to have your teeth cleaned and inspected. This should help prevent many dental conditions. Remember that your priority should be to find a dentist who can help you if you find yourself facing a dental health emergency.

Two Tips To Keep In Mind If You Have A Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies tend to bring out the worst in us. After all, nothing brings about a worry like something wrong happening your mouth. But if you do have a dental emergency, you want to make sure that you follow our two tips below to make sure you get through it relatively unscathed.

Tip 1: Don’t Panic

We know, it’s easier said than done. But if you’re panicking, then you’re probably just making the situation even worse. Keeping calm, however, means that you’re bale to think rationally, which may save your teeth or even your life. It will also help you call for an emergency service and relay the information that you need to keep in mind.

If it’s an infection that you’re dealing with, then you need to really keep calm. Pumping up your adrenaline makes your blood flow faster, which can make an infection even worse. This is especially important if you live alone.

Tip 2: Keep A Handy List Of Services And Treatments Available

It’s good to have a list of the emergency services that you can call ahead of time. It’s also good to keep a list of common remedies and treatments that you can use to buy you some time until you can see a doctor. This will help relieve your initial panic while also giving you some direction. It’s better to have to deal with something yourself in the meantime than not know what to do at all and subsequently panicking.

Dental emergencies tend to cause panic and even some delusion on our parts. But by staying calm and keeping a list of who to call and what to do, you’ll be well prepared for an unfortunate event. Hopefully you won’t need to worry about it at all, but it’s always good to be on the safe side.

Here’s a quick video which will show you how to make a temporary filling for a painful toothache…however, you best option is to call for an emergency dental care in Milwaukee as soon as possible.

How Long Should You Wait Before Seeing The Emergency Dentist?

If it’s a true emergency, you shouldn’t wait at all. You should go right away to the emergency dentist and be in their waiting room. If the situation escalates they can get to you right away. I know they might not be able to see you right away, but it’s a lot better to be in their company just in case something goes wrong.

Perhaps you have a tooth that’s dangling but hasn’t been knocked all the way out? What if that tooth were to fall out? If you were in a dentist office they’d know exactly how to handle the wound and the situation.

You might also need antibiotics which is something a dentist can supply you with if there is an open wound because of your mouth injury. If you need emergency repairs that are going to prevent an infection, you need to see the dentist right away.

If it doesn’t require immediate attention, you need to look elsewhere for the treatment. Your regular dentist office will be able to handle just about anything you through at him. He might not be open on Sundays, and will probably close shop around five. That’s why we have emergency dentist, but the truth is, most cases can wait for the regular guy.

An emergency dentist might not be able to work with your insurance or medicare. That’s just another reason to only go to an emergency dentist when you actually need too. Some do take dental insurance, but if I were you, I’d expect to pay quite a bit for emergency care.

I hope you find a solution for your dental problem. If it’s an emergency, like a real emergency, then you do need medical attention right away. I know you’ll love getting help from the professionals that stand by waiting to care for your teeth any time of the day.

Looking for an emergency dentist in Waukesha?  Call us today!

Dental Emergencies That Need Immediate Attention

While some kinds of dental problems can wait until you get an appointment during regular office hours to get taken care of, there are others that simply need an emergency dental appointment in order to alleviate severe pain or reduce chances of permanent damage. Let’s go over a few of the different reasons why you might need an emergency call to the dentist office.

One problem that tends to happen to children quite often, but adults as well, is a chipped or broken tooth. Accidents and athletic events are quite often the cause of a broken tooth, but whatever the  reason, there are some things you can do to help make things better.

  1. If possible, save any pieces of the broken tooth in warm water, while stopping bleeding in the mouth with sterile gauze.  Don’t be alarmed if bleeding in the mouth lasts up to 10 minutes or more.
  2. Once the bleeding has stopped, use an ice pack to help keep the swelling down and head to the  dentists office as soon as possible. Your dentist will need to examine the tooth to make an assessment of repairing or replacing it.

A similar problem is when a tooth gets entirely knocked out. If there is any tissue attached to the tooth do not disturb it, merely rinse the tooth in warm water.   There are times when a tooth can be immediately replaced back into the gums in its original position where it will re-root itself and never have another problem. This should be attempted immediately if possible, however if not, save the tooth in a small cup of milk and head immediately to your emergency dentist, preferably within the hour.

These are several of the emergencies, that if possible, should go directly to an emergency dentist. Obviously, it is not always possible to get to an emergency dentist so an appointment should be made immediately the next day. Then the dentist can possibly salvage some of the broken or dislodged teeth. Either way medical advice should be sought in order to avoid other more serious complications.

Need an emergency dentist? Then contact www.emergencydentistmilwaukee.com right away!

What Should You Do If a Dental Emergency Strikes?

Man's Face With An Open Toothless MouthA dental emergency can be both terrifying and painful. You may feel helpless, especially if your emergency occurs on a weekend. It’s important that everyone knows what they should so if an emergency like this does occur. When you’re in pain, you may not be able to think clearly.

If possible, the first thing you should do is call your dentist. Explain the severity of the situation to them. If they aren’t able to see you immediately, ask for a referral. Make sure they know that you’re in pain, and you need to be seen right away.

If you can’t see a dentist, you have a few other options. You can go see your regular doctor, who will be able to provide you with needed medications while you wait. You can also go to urgent care or the emergency room and get the same things.

It’s crucial that you don’t put off getting some kind of medical care. Leaving a dental problem untreated is incredibly dangerous, and can even be fatal. A damaged tooth can easily become infected, and that infection can spread to the rest of your body very quickly.

If you can’t afford the cost of dental care, don’t let that stop you. Instead, ask about options for low cost treatment or payment plans. In a worse case scenario, you could go to the ER and pay your bill later on. There are always options that will be available to you.

Do you know what to do if a dental emergency strikes? Now that you’ve read this article, the answer is yes. It’s important to take care of your teeth, but it’s equally important to be prepared for worst case scenarios. It’s always good to have solutions to bad situations in advance.

What Types of Dental Emergencies Can Dentists Treat?

There are a number of dental emergencies that can arise at any time. It’s important to have them treated by a dentist as soon as possible, to prevent a worsening of the problem. This article describes a couple of emergencies that a dentist can treat.

You may go to sleep one evening, and wake up at 3 AM with a horrible toothache. Toothaches often strike when they’re least expected. Though you may need to remedy the situation yourself until morning, it’s important to find out what the cause is and have it taken care of.

Toothaches can come from cavities, small holes in the tooth, from not properly brushing and caring for your teeth. A dentist may treat this, by installing a filling in the tooth to keep irritants out. It may also be necessary to have a root canal, or to have the tooth extracted, and replaced with a bridge or implant.

You may have an accident or bite down on something hard, and have part of a tooth break off. It’s important to have a broken tooth looked at as soon as possible. Broken teeth can get infected or abscessed, causing serious health issues to occur if left untreated.

Broken or chipped teeth can sometimes be repaired by your dentist, depending on the health of your tooth. It may also be necessary to have the tooth extracted. Should you have pain or swelling around the affected area, it’s important to seek emergency treatment right away, and not wait for your dentist.

Toothaches and broken teeth can cause a lot of problems if they’re left untreated. Pain infection, and other mouth problems can arise by not getting the proper attention. If you’re experiencing any of the problems described in this article, call your dentist, you’ll be glad you did.

Go to www.emergencydentistmilwaukee.com for more information.

Steps To Take When Emergency Dental Situations Arise

ToothacheAll of us have experienced a feeling from time to time of great discomfort in our mouth. It could be the result of a cavity that has suddenly got to the point where the nerves of the teeth are now affected.

Unless you have a root canal, or if you repair the teeth by fixing the cavity that is there, you will experience continual pain until you visit the dentist, something that many people often find themselves needing right away. When dental emergencies arise, here are the steps you need to take in order to remedy the situation.

Searching The Web For Dentists

The advent of the creation of local listings in Google, and perhaps other search engines, makes it very easy for local businesses to advertise their services. If you live in a large urban area, you will more than likely have the ability to access the services of a dentist that will give emergency help for those that need to have their teeth fixed right away. You can find these dentist advertising on the web, and contact them immediately. Depending upon where you live, and the time of day, you could actually have your problem resolved in a matter of a few hours.

Click here for a list of dentists in the Milwaukee area

Proximity And Insurance

If you have insurance, you will want to make sure that the dentist takes your particular type. It can get very expensive doing dental work without having insurance to cover the bill. Likewise, you’ll also want to consider location of the dentist, and how far you need to drive. If it is a extreme emergency, one that requires help right away, choose the dentist that offers the fastest service that is in close proximity to your current location. This way, you will be able to take care of your dental problem, have your insurance cover the bill, and get your tooth fixed right away from a dentist that offers emergency services near you.

Why You Should Take Care Of Toothaches Right Away

A woman with a bad toothacheToothaches should be treated by a dentist right away. A toothache can be caused by an abscess which needs to be removed before the infection can spread. You should look for a dentist who can see you right away as soon as you begin experiencing a toothache.

A painful abscess is a sign of an infected tooth. If you do not take action quickly, the infection could spread. Other teeth will be affected at first but the infection could spread to other parts of your body if you wait too long. The infection will become more difficult to treat if it has a chance to spread.

You should not try treating the abscess at home. You might make things worse. Piercing the abscess is not a good idea and could actually cause the infection to spread more quickly. It is a common belief that applying aspirin on a toothache can make the pain disappear. This could actually burn the gums and make the problem worse.

You can treat the pain by taking over the counter treatments such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Do not take any other pain killers, unless your doctor has prescribed them to you. You can relieve the pain by applying cold compresses to the area until you can see a dentist.

Toothaches should be treated as quickly as possible. You should also make an effort to prevent toothaches and other dental problems by adopting a good hygiene. Going to the dentist’s twice a year to have your teeth inspected and cleaned can also prevent a lot of issues.

If you have a toothache, alleviate the pain by taking aspirin and applying cold compresses. Look for a dentist who can see you right away since the infection could spread if you do not take action quickly.

Tips On How To Handle A Broken Tooth

Broken ToothIt’s a fairly common occurrence, you bite into something hard, then suddenly you feel a part of your to break loose and start mixing with the food in your mouth. You could immediately feel guilty for biting into the hard food that you knew could be a problem, but more importantly exactly what you do in the case of your tooth?

If it turns out that you need expensive implants or surgery, that may be a little depressing. However, the only way you’re going to know for sure is by visiting a dentist for a consultation.

In most cases it’s important that you see your dentist right away as there are complications that could arise from food entering and decaying below your gums. Also, in some cases there’s a possibility that if repaired immediately your tooth could be saved. Either way, it’s imperative to have a professional assess the damage and give you your options for repairing, fixing or removing what’s left of your tooth.

As far as your broken tooth is concerned, figuring out whether the root was damaged during the break is fairly important. If the root is exposed there is a possibility of extreme pain, requiring immediate attention by a dentist. Sometimes a partial exposure of the root won’t result in pain until the next time you eat or drink something hot or cold.

If you’re not able to get to your dentist immediately, it may be best to stick to softer foods that are neither extremely hot or cold, and avoid chewing on that particular side of the mouth. When you chew food it’s possible for food particles to be forced by hydraulic pressure deep below your gums in the area of your broken tooth.  Rinsing your mouth with salty water can help disinfect, and clean your gums in the affected area.

At any rate, a chipped or broken tooth won’t be the end of the world. While it’s possible you may need an implant, most likely you won’t, and your dental professional will be able to repair the tooth in such a way so that no one will be the wiser.

Emergency Dental Care: Four Symptoms Not to Be Ignored

swollengumsNobody likes going to the dentist. I cannot think of one person of my acquaintance who looks forward to that necessary obligation. But sometimes it cannot be avoided. At some point in your life, you too may find yourself in need of emergency dental care.

Listed below are four symptoms that should not be ignored. Seek emergency dental care immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.

1. Cracked or broken Tooth
If you discover a crack or break in a teeth, you should have it repaired by a dentist immediately. A cracked tooth is vulnerable to decay. This means that, if ignored, the small crack could well become a cavity. Absent treatment, that cavity will continue to decay until it becomes unsalvageable. This would result in the removal of that tooth, or an emergency root canal.

If it decays it may also cause bad breath as well as increasingly intense pain. All of this can be avoided by seeing a dentist as soon as you become aware of a cracked or broken tooth.

2. A Knocked Out Tooth
Besides an unsightly gap in your mouth, this too can lead to serious problems from decay to cavities to removal of the remaining root. After that, expensive bridgework would be necessary, work that may or may not be covered by your insurance.

3. Painful or Swollen Gums
If you experience a growing pain that becomes more and more severe with time and is accompanied by swelling, you likely have yourself an abscessed tooth. This can be very painful. The abscess and throbbing means it is severely infected and needs immediate attention. Consider an abscessed tooth a dental emergency.

4. Lost Filling
If you ignore a lost filling, you will eventually pay for it in the form of major dental work due to the deterioration of that tooth.

Remember, good dental maintenance is your friend. It can help you prevent all four of the above scenarios. So be smart and don’t ignore dental emergencies.

For a list of dentists in the Milwaukee area click here