Need Your Broken Braces Fixed?

loosebracketAnyone finding this article will not find it by mistake, they will find it because they or their child has a serious dental emergency.

In this case your dental emergency is that your braces are broken. We have helped thousands of people with this issue and we know the pain that they have. Having broken braces can irritate your gums and the lining of your mouth, it can even cause infection and other problems. If you want your braces fixed fast and affordable, then we are the dentist to call. We can even service you on the weekend, a time when dental problems are often left to linger due to so few dentist being open.

We offer other last minute and emergency services such as trauma and accident issues. Issues of having teeth forced loose or fractured. Acute oral and dental pain. We can help you with these emergencies that need to be handles as quickly as possible. Often times people are forced to wait but we will do our best to see you as soon as possible because we know the pain you are in and we know what can happen if these problems aren’t immediately remedied by a dentist.

Beyond emergency services we offer the standard cleaning and oral health services that most associate wit dentistry. We work with patients to teach them the best ways to take care of their teeth and how to avoid issues that are easy to avoid with proper oral hygiene. Oral health has a direct relation to the health of the rest of your body and many disease can start in the mouth and spread to the rest of the body. To avoid those issues schedule an appointment with us today and set yourself up for a healthy life.

As you can see, broken braces need to be repaired quickly and one problem patients often have is finding a dentist who is available on the weekend.  We are a dental practice who is available on the weekend to help you with any emergency issues that you might have. We know how awful it is to be in pain and we want to get you the relief that you deserve as soon as possible. If you are having an emergency dental issue, do not wait around, do not let things get worse, instead give us a call so that we can help you.

24 Hour Pediatric Dentistry in the Milwaukee Area

image_childrensChildren can injure themselves at the most unexpected moments, and the shock and pain of an injury can easily send them into hysterics. When your child injures or damages a tooth, it may be virtually impossible to console him. Under such circumstances, the best thing that you can do is to bring him to our dental office as quickly as possible.

Teeth that have been chipped or knocked out can be quite painful, and younger children may not understand what is going on. If a tooth has come out, first determine whether it was a baby tooth or a permanent one. We may be able to re-implant a permanent tooth if you bring your child in to our office right away.

Rinse the root of the tooth in cold water and try to place it back in the socket. Your child can bite down on some gauze to keep the tooth in place while you bring him to our office. If a baby tooth has been knocked out, we will not try to re-implant it, since it would have come out anyway. However, the trauma of the injury still needs to be dealt with.

Any dental injury needs immediate attention if the long-term consequences are to be kept to a minimum. As soon as you can, bring your child to our office. We will make sure that he receives the highest level of care. You can sit with your child to help him stay calm as we treat his injury.

Emergency dental care for children in Milwaukee is available at all hours of day or night. Children can hurt themselves at any time, so do not hesitate to call us right away. We will be able to provide needed care for your child so that his teeth will be healthy again.

What To Do When Your Child Has a Broken Tooth

smilingfamilyWe understand how important your children are to you and how frightening it can be when they are injured. That is why we are here to help you whenever a dental emergency arises. If your child has broken a tooth, follow these steps and we will be happy to assist you during the medical crisis and beyond.

The first thing you need to do is save the tooth. Rinse it off, without soap or any chemicals. Only touch the part of the tooth that is normally visible. Have the child rinse their mouth out gently with water and attempt to gently place the tooth back in place. It is imperative that you do not force it. If you cannot easily put it in place, put it in a glass of milk.

You should get a cold compress and place it against the face of the child. If the youngster is old enough, have them hold it. This will help to reduce the swelling. Additionally, it will numb the area, which is beneficial if your child is in pain.

Once you have done all of this, call our Milwaukee dental office immediately. We will see you and your child as soon as possible for this emergency. Depending upon your location and the seriousness of the break, we will provide you further information over the telephone. We personally assess each phone call to make certain we understand the condition of your child so that you receive the best treatment possible.

The members of our staff all understand how important it is to you for your child to receive prompt and friendly care during a dental emergency. That is why we strive to do everything possible to assist you in this endeavor. Call us whenever you have a dental crisis.